How to be Harry Potter characters


1. Always carry around some books

2. Read widely.

3. Be organized.

4. Be a know-it-all.

5. Wear comfortable clothes that also look neat and presentable.

6. Wear a S.P.E.W badge.If you want to be like Hermione, you can try wearing a S.P.E.W badge or a Time Turner necklace.

7. Act maturely and sophisticated.

8. Don't let bullies bully you.


1. Find the Magic in Little Things. It might be cheesy, but the first way you can learn How to Live Like Harry Potter is to find magic in the little things.

2. Shop Small.

3. Seek Quality Friendships.

4. Take a Holiday.

5. Enjoy a Home Cooked Meal.

6. Take a Train Ride.

7. Allow Yourself to Dream.


1. Things like owning up to your shortcomings.

2. learning from your mistakes and not being afraid to stick up for your friends.


Draco is characterised as a cowardly bully who tricks and hurts people to get what he wants; he is also a cunning user of magic.


1. Living life on the ordinary side? Embrace your inner nonconformist, dude.

2. Do what makes you happy.

3. Style it out.

4. Spend time on your hobbies.

5. Be loyal to your friends.

6. Stay positive.

7. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.


1. Don't brag about yourself.

2. Lift up other's achievements and merits.

3. Don't take the win because you can.

4. Insist upon a fair game.

5. And when you mess up, own up.

Here are some funny gifs for you hope you enjoy!!!